Free Stuff
Appleton Studios
Needlework/Cross Stitch Charts
We've been creating and uploading small (3" x 3") needlework charts of heraldic charges that can be downloaded or printed out and which you can then work yourself for a full twenty-one years now. Along with each chart is the pattern information, the floss color descriptions and numbers. (Though there is no obligation to follow these color recommendations slavishly. You may prefer to select different tints or colors, as indeed sometimes our own needlework artist-in-residence has when working these charts.)
After twenty-one years, though, it's time to hang up my artist's beret and take a rest from the work of creating these free charts for now. The past year's worth has gradually disappeared monthly one by one until now they are no longer available for download on this website.
We do sell a CD-ROM or USB drive with all 252 charts (twenty-one years!) of these heraldic charges in .pdf format. More information on these charts, including a list of the charges contained in them, can be found here.
Other needlework charts are available for sale, and information on contacting us about creating customized needlework charts for you, can also be found on our Needlework page here.
Our big project, an American Heraldry Collection, has continued to be added to as new coats of arms are published, and has been uploaded to this website in a .zip file, containing a Word document (encompassing some background information on the collection as well as a bibliography and key to sources) and an Excel spreadsheet (with arms and crests, with their related surnames and the sources of the arms). The .zip file can be downloaded here.
You can download a copy of our free sampler screensaver, which contains images from our specialty heraldry-themed screensavers. Additional information about our screensavers for the PC can be found on our Heraldic Arts for the Computer page.
We have a sampler of our PowerPoint educational programs in heraldry available for download here, which contains brief excerpts from each of the programs presently available. More information about our computer-based heraldic educational programs can be found on our Heraldic Arts for the Computer page.
Questions? Comments? Compliments? Complaints? Suggestions for improvement? Or just want to share your successes (or difficulties) with our "free stuff"? Write, call, or e-mail us at the address, telephone number, or e-mail addresses here.